Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Great Chicken Massacre

Foxy Bird.jpg
We suffered a devastating loss yesterday.  In the wee hours of the morning a fox broke into our chicken coop and laid waste to all the birds.  There were over thirty dead.  About 20 meat birds and all 15 of our beautiful and friendly egg layers.

At first it seemed a total loss, but while cleaning up the carnage we found one bird still alive and hiding among the dead.

She has had the skin ripped off one leg, all the way up to her hip and her armpit.  The injury makes her almost immobile, but otherwise she seems lively and alert. 

We took her next door to the adobe, where she is now living in a dog crate.  Her injury has been treated with Woundkote, a spray on antiseptic dressing.  She is eating and drinking, and I promised her that if she pulls through, she will live a long life as an honorary egg layer.

We are calling her Foxy, as a reminder of what a terrible loss we suffered because our so-called 'fortress' couldn't keep out one burrowing varmint.

This is the last time we will ever have an intruder in our coop!

Google image: Terlingua kit fox

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