Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Cat That Found the Cream

Well, our flock of nine (eight hens, one roo) has been ruthlessly whittled down to three (two hens, one roo).  I'm 99% sure that we have a bobcat who has taken a liking to chicken dinner.

This past Monday we made a run to Alpine for groceries, and came home to find one hen snatched.  This particular hen was isolated in the sick-bay coop, and the varmint had dug under the wire to get the bird.  Poor girl was trapped in the coop with her killer.

We should have taken that attack as a warning and worked to make the main coop more impenetrable.

But instead we kept working on our other projects and now this morning awoke to find three hens dead in the coop and two just gone.

Sprocket was barking his head off last night, but he barks his head off all the time, often at nothing.  We should have gotten up and investigated, but it's too late for should-haves now.

Sprocket found one cache the cat had made, and I still have to dig it up, investigate, and rebury the contents -- along with the three dead birds the cat left behind in the coop.

We're supposed to be installing a panel for a neighbor today and getting ready for our trip, but weirder and weirder hurdles keep popping up.

I'll post photos of the damage (it's not very gruesome) and cache after I finish cleaning everything up.

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