Monday, June 25, 2012

Dr Dodlittle

Today was an Alpine Day.   We seem to have more Alpine Days than most people down here, but at least we get decent fuel economy with our old Rangers.

The main event today was taking the canine crew to our vet, Dr. Dodson.

New pack member Wrinkles is doing great overall, but needs some medicine to stay healthy while she recovers from a surgery.

Naia kept watch over her puppy, and showed her how a pro handles an eight-hour shopping trip.

Since the severe thunderstorm ten days ago, the desert has been going crazy with activity.

The old dam at Cafe Colando is still holding water, though it's dropped a lot.

There are swarms of dragonflies, butterflies, mosquitoes (gah!), and other winged insects in the air.

And the frogs are chirping into the wee hours of the morning.  It's a great sound to fall asleep to.


  1. the dogs seem to represent yin and yang

  2. the compound is completed by the pond
    however fragile its existence

  3. I'm totally jealous! I didn't know you all had a tank there. I miss falling asleep to the frogs. I could do without the skeeters though!

    Chris Miller - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  4. Ah yes, frogs in the desert, means there's water somewhere.
    I enjoy the blog..n ot the skeeters.
