Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The parallel problem

When it comes to living of the grid batteries a key part of the experience. We find many cases where they are the incorrect size, type and interconnections (wiring).

The problem we see all to often are massively paralleled battery banks, these setups are ether not working properly or soon to be. Here is an example of what happens: lets say we have a bank of 10 six volt batteries on a 12 volt system. First off that allot of battery cables and potentially bad connections, that off the bat eats into system efficiency. The main problem is keeping the bank balanced  even brand new bateries vary one from one to anther

Lets say I need 5KW of storage for a 24 volt system. First we need to convert to Ah (amp hours) 
5000 watts/ 24 volt= 208.3Ah using the 50% rule for discharging batteries I would need 2X208.3Ah=416.6Ah. So I need a lead acid battery that is 416.6Ah at 24 volts, unfortunately this size is not readily available and this is the case most of the time, so we need to build a bank of batteries. 

So we will search with 416 or greater Ah's in a 6 volt battery, Trojan makes a 420 Ah 6 volt the L16p-ac. Then we will wire four of these in series for 24 volts

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