Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Clearing the Land

We spent a day walking around with the GPS determining our property lines. This processes was a lot of fun and important for our next steps. We started clearing the driveway and we our just about to our house, which is our next clearing step. As for videos with our new Canon HF-10 we have yet to make the video editing software work that came with it, so if anyone has any free AVCHD editing software to suggest we will appreciate it.  


1 comment:

  1. 12, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    Hey Casey and Sara. Im in East Tejas for a few weeks so I will be able to live back there vicariously through blogs from the area (yours, johns ect). I'll come see your progress when I can. Take care in the meantime and don't let the conenose bite. (one got me the other night) seeya , Rusty P.S. Say hi to Eric for me.
